Morning Routine

Here is our 30 minute morning routine at school. It's a great way to start your day of learning!

8:30 Morning work - we focus on sight word practice. Do something quick and familiar each day to get into a smooth routine. This is similar to what we have done: Sight Word Morning Work, starting on page 11. The pages before that have sight word flashcards. If you cannot print this, it would be quick to write something out using this as a template. I will post five new sight words every week, focus on one word per day.

8:35 Calendar time. You can use your family calendar, a spare calendar or print a calendar page. Here are some templates you can print: April May June

1. Student identifies the day on the calendar and marks it in some way (could add a sticker, cross off past days, etc). Please add significant holidays and family events. This is a great counting activity.

2. Student uses the calendar to find the day of the week. In class, the student will put their finger on the number (i.e. the 12th) and move their finger upwards until it touches the word for that day (i.e. Monday). If they cannot read the word, use the first letter as a clue, and you can make the letter sound to help (i.e. mmmm). They should also identify what yesterday was and what tomorrow will be.

3. Then ask them to say the complete date; for example, Monday, April 6th, 2020. Emphasize the ordinal number sounds (i.e. 6TH).

4. Identify the weather, the temperature, and the season. Your child could make a weather poster as a visual, or you could print one.

5. Use ten frames to record the number of days you have been in school. Add a sticker to the chart each day. This is a great visual to help understand place value and learn to count by tens. Ten Frame Template

6. Practice counting by 10s to 100, 5s to 100, 2s to 50. We use these posters in our classroom.

7. Practice reading letter pairs (digraphs). I will be posting new letter pairs through the blog. We have been working on: ee, ea, sh, oo, th, wh, ar.

8. Sight words of the week - I will assign new words weekly. I say a word, students repeat. Then I ask them to put the word into a sentence.

9. Go over schedule for the day. This step is very important!

8:45 Read a story. We usually focus on an Author of the Month. You can choose to follow along with that, or read any book that you like. A great way see many books by a single author (without buying them!) is to watch a story being read on YouTube, Vooks, or Epic. I suggest finding the book you are going to use before you begin "school" for the day. April's Author of the Month is Dr. Seuss.

8:55 ABC Chant and Energy Break. During the school year we listened to this ABC Chant EVERY DAY. Listening to it at home will be a great way to reinforce your daily routine! We use GoNoodle for our energy breaks and switch it up every day. If you don't want to sign up for a free GoNoodle account, you can search GoNoodle videos on YouTube.

9:00 Snack

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